Fascial Stretch Therapy (FST) Level 1

This certification course is a complete training in table-based Fascial Stretch Therapy™ (STW-FST) manual techniques for the lower and upper body. You will be awarded a Level I Certification after attending all 5 days and 35 hours of instruction and completion of a written exam and workshop practical.

Course Introduction


What You'll Learn

In the first part, you will learn the principles, theories and evidenced-based science surrounding the subject of mobilizing and manipulating fascia through our assisted technique called Fascial Stretch TherapyĀ® (FST). The most recent research and clinical findings on fascia will be included. Comparison and contrasts with other forms of manual and assisted therapy to stretch or manipulate fascia will also be discussed.

This 5-day certification course is 95% hands-on and the first half focuses on getting adept at evaluating the state of the neuromyofascia of the lower half of the body from the level of the T-12 vertebra on down to the feet. This is accomplished by learning how to accurately sense the end-feel of connective tissue through tri-planar range of motion challenge tests to the torso, lumbo-pelvic-hip girdle and extremities.

The second half of this course focuses on getting more adept at evaluating the state of the neuromyofascia of the upper half of the body from the level of the T-12 vertebra on up to the head and upper extremities. This is accomplished by learning how to sense the end-feel of connective tissue through tri-planar range of motion challenge tests to the torso, shoulder girdle, upper extremities and spine. After learning how to identify regions of fascial imbalance you will learn how to conduct a complete assisted fascial stretch session on a massage table with stabilizing belts for healthy and fit clientele as well as for those with symptoms of pain, tightness and soreness due to neuromyofascial imbalances.

Clients/patients most appropriate for this level of training will run the gamut from those that simply want to be more flexible in order to maintain an active lifestyle to those complaining of general or specific tightness or stiffness. Teenagers experiencing myofascial tightness and pain from the growth spurt will also be appropriate. All athletes will seek your services to help them improve sport performance and reduce training recovery time.

For physical therapists and other licensed healthcare practitioners, this level of training will enable you to successfully integrate FST into your practice as a preferred, very effective manual therapy technique to treat pain and mechanical dysfunction appropriate to your level of skill, training and education. FST can also be used as a full cash pay service, to help shift your practice away from insurance and actually give you more quality time to help your patients achieve better outcomes.

This is the prerequisite first level to get the expertise needed to progress to more advanced levels where diagnosis and treatment protocols specific to fascia are addressed. You may start Level II training after completing and submitting a documented minimum 100 hours of clinical practice utilizing FST techniques.

Prerequisite: Working knowledge of functional anatomy and functional kinesiology.

Participants are expected to have a general familiarity with the topics gross human anatomy, connective tissue anatomy, kinesiology, assisted stretching and flexibility training. Therefore, it focuses on increasing your understanding and clinical application of this material.

Upcoming Dates

Visit stretchtowin.com to see the 2024 course schedule

September 16-20, 2024 Burlington

$2395 CAD


October 21-25, 2024 Burlington

$2395 CAD


November 25-29, 2024 Burlington

$2395 CAD