DTSĀ Barbell StrengthĀ 


ThisĀ 3 day live courseĀ will teach you to safelyĀ execute and coach barbell exercises, such as the deadlift, overhead press, bench press & squat. Gain confidence & competence to use these exercises with clients.


You will learn how to:

  • Qualify clients to do barbell exercises.
  • Prep clients for the barbell based on their specific needs. 
  • Set up to optimize barbell lifts. 
  • Optimize your own execution of barbell exercises. 
  • Confidently coach your clients to use the barbell pain-free. 
  • Troubleshoot lifts using analysis software. 
  • Program barbell exercises to increase strength and function.  

"Fantastic as always. The quality of information is so amazing and I always learn such helpful and useful information to build my coaching confidence. I really liked how the instructors took us through videos where we could build our coaches eye. I think thats so unique to DTS and makes the course that much more valuable because students build our skillset right there. Thanks for always providing above and beyond quality value!"

You Can Expect:


3 days of hands-on learning and lifting


- Specific drills to improve barbell skills

- Feedback on lifts & coaching from course instructors

- A transformational learning experience that will change your approach to working with a barbell

Lead Course Instructor: Chris Fudge

Questions? Book a call with us.